Facebook to offer live chat support to users who get locked out of their accounts for some reason

The feature is currently being tested with a small group of English-speaking users.

Facebook to offer live chat support to users who get locked out of their accounts for some reason

Facebook/Meta lockout support: Facebook, Instagram and parent company Meta have been criticised for their lack of basic services for online creators, despite their bid to attract creators by increasing financial incentives as compared to those offered by other platforms. The issue is consistent, be it regarding page management tools, community moderation or providing assistance to them in case they were locked out of their accounts. However, it seems that Facebook might be trying to solve this issue as it has announced a small test to provide live chat support to those English-speaking creators who do not have a relationship manager assigned.

With this, it is looking to find a solution to provide mid-tier stars with immediate support if they have any questions, be it regarding payout or regarding the features of Instagram Reels. This feature will especially be helpful for instances where such creators get locked out of their own accounts due to some reason. Reports earlier this year had highlighted an underground economy of people who were claiming to have internal access to Meta and were charging fees to help people restore their accounts. Because Facebook’s customer support service is not the most responsive, people used to end up having to pay in order to get access to their accounts again.

Now, the social media platform has said that it is undertaking the testing of a live chat feature for some English-speaking users, including creators, around the world. These people have been locked out of their accounts. Facebook has said that this marked the first time the giant was offering live support for solving the issue and the focus was on users who had either been locked out because they violated the community standards or because of any unusual activity.

Apart from this, the company has also announced some other changes this week, including better comment moderation with keyword blocking, a dedicated place to view hidden comments, and the ability to block a user along with any potential new accounts they might have.