Fertility startup Hannah Life Technologies gets $5.15M Pre-Series A

Hannah Life Technologies, a startup for couples trying to conceive, announced today it has raised $5.15 million in pre-Series A funding led by Monk’s Hill Ventures. Other investors include Golden Gate Ventures, Anthro Ventures, and medical technology entrepreneur Dr. Jack Wang. The funding comes about 18 months after the company raised seed funding from Y […]

Fertility startup Hannah Life Technologies gets $5.15M Pre-Series A

Hannah Life Technologies, a startup for couples trying to conceive, announced today it has raised $5.15 million in pre-Series A funding led by Monk’s Hill Ventures. Other investors include Golden Gate Ventures, Anthro Ventures, and medical technology entrepreneur Dr. Jack Wang. The funding comes about 18 months after the company raised seed funding from Y Combinator.

Benjamin Tee, who co-founded Hannah Life with Prusothman Raja, told TechCrunch that he and his wife experienced unexplained fertility, a physically and emotionally stressful time. “Although my wife and I finally conceived through IVF, I felt that there could be non-invasive home based technologies to help couples conceive earlier.”

Tee, who met Raja through the Stanford Biodesign program, also found that the “often the burden of pregnancy falls on the female gender’s shoulders, across many cultures. As males, we wanted also to help balance the perception that infertility is often caused by female factors. Roughly half of fertility issues come from males, such as low sperm count and quality.”

The company offers three main direct-to-consumer products, created to give couples home-based non-invasive services as a complement to clinic-based procedures like intra-uterine insemination (IUI).

The twoplus Sperm Guide is a patented device made out of medical-grade silicone that concentrates sperm near the cervical opening to increase chances of fertilization. The twoplus Applicator was created for couples trying to conceive without penetrative sex and deposits sperm directly onto the cervical opening. The twoplus Hormone Test provides detailed reports on hormones, helping couples determine their levels of fertility and potentially spotting health issues.

The company says that since it launched in August 2021, it has provided products to over a thousand households in Singapore and the United Kingdom, with revenue growth of over 300% quarter-over-quarter.