How to easily hide likes, view counts on your Instagram posts; A step-by-step guide

Instagram is increasingly becoming popular these days with more and more people engaging with the platform. The popular photo sharing app is now not only used for sharing pictures but also videos, and Reels. Millions of users share Stories, Reels, photos on Instagram and are also becoming popular these days. It is obvious, when on […]

How to easily hide likes, view counts on your Instagram posts; A step-by-step guide

Instagram is increasingly becoming popular these days with more and more people engaging with the platform. The popular photo sharing app is now not only used for sharing pictures but also videos, and Reels. Millions of users share Stories, Reels, photos on Instagram and are also becoming popular these days. It is obvious, when on Instagram, your followers can see all your posts, stories, Reels when you post them and engage, react to them. Same way, your followers can also see the number of likes, views and comment counts you post. The popularity of any user on Instagram can seemingly be judged going by the likes, views, comments they receive on their post.

There have many instances though when Instagram users become more centered around the popularity of users rather than the content they are uploading on their profile. Because of this, Instagram has come up with the option to hide like and view counts on the posts that appear in the feed. This facility is not available to everyone at this moment.

How to hide/unhide Instagram likes and view counts

Users can now change whether they see the total number of likes and views on posts that appear on their Instagram Feed. Here is what you can do in order to hide or unhide like and view counts for others’ posts.

Step 1: Go to your profile.

Step 2: Now, tap on the three horizontal lines on top right, and click on Settings.

Step 3: Click on Privacy and then tap on Posts below Interactions.

Step 4: Now you will find the option ‘Hide like and view counts’. Simply tap switch off or switch to turn this setting on or off.

How to hide/ unhide like and view counts for your posts on Instagram feed

Instagram users can change like and view count settings for the posts they share. Here’s how to hide or unhide like and view counts before sharing your post to feed.

Step 1- Before sharing the post on your feed, click on ‘Advanced settings’.

Step 2- Now you will find an option ‘Hide like and view counts on this post’.

Step 3: Tap switch off or switch in order to get the desirable setting.

Hide/ unhide like and view counts on posts already shared

Step 1: Click on three-dots icon available in the top right side of your post.

Step 2: Now, tap ‘Hide like count’ or Hide like and view counts to turn on this setting.

Step 3: If you want to turn this setting on, simply tap on Unhide Like Counts or Unhide like and view counts.