Instagram Reels: You can’t get rid of them, but you can avoid them with this simple trick

Here we will share with you steps you can follow to disable Reels from your Instagram timeline.

Instagram Reels: You can’t get rid of them, but you can avoid them with this simple trick

The popularity of Instagram Reels is known to everyone. From Gen z to millennials to those falling in the senior category, the craze for Reels is only expanding. However, if you are someone who never liked TikTok, there is a high possibility of you not liking Reels either. Just so you know, TikTok was banned earlier in 2020 (June 29) over national security issues. Since then, a bunch of apps jumped in to replace the video app making Instagram Reels the most prominent one. Here we will share with you steps you can follow to disable Reels from your Instagram timeline.

How to avoid Instagram Reels

Follow these steps to get rid of Instagram reels.

1- Use any browser—Google Chrome, Firefox to log in to your Instagram account. You can also do it in any mobile browser or a desktop browser.

2- Once you log in to your Instagram account via browser, you will notice that Reels videos won’t be there in the Explore tab.

3- When you visit Instagram on a browser, you’ll notice that Reels videos won’t appear in the Explore tab.

Now even if you check up anyone’s profile from the browser you have logged in with, you won’t see the Reels tab.

So, if you can use Instagram on your phone or computer’s browser, then it can surely help you get away from Instagram reels. For now, this is the only option to stray clear of Reels, sadly.