New updates for Telegram users! QR and call-based login, live text recognition and more
Owners of Telegram group and channel will be able to stop its members from saving or sharing the content/data outside the group.

Telegram update: Popular messaging platform Telegram has announced updates that will enhance users’ privacy along with new features that will help protect content in channels and groups on Telegram. Telegram has said it will soon allow users to delete messages from specific chats. Users can also manage their connected devices and can also login to the app via phone calls.
Major announcement made is that owners of Telegram group and channel will be able to stop its members from saving or sharing the content/data outside the group. The app has introduced iOS-specific features like Live Text support and media captions formatting as the latest update.
The company in a blog post announced that the users will now see new features on Telegram. This means that users can now view chats/ messages and then delete those texts at the convenience of single tap. Also, Telegram has come up with a new setting that will prevent users from forwarding or sharing messages or images outside a group or channel. It is also said that even screenshots will be blocked on Android devices.
So far, logging into Telegram would involve entering a code which is sent via SMS. After this, the same login codes are sent to devices you have logged Telegram with. From now on, things will be a little different. The services from now on allow users to receive a call and then enter the last five digits of your registered mobile number.