Twitter Spaces: How to record and listen later, a step-by-step guide

Twitter users can now not only host but also record Spaces.

Twitter Spaces: How to record and listen later, a step-by-step guide

Twitter Spaces is a popular audio-only chat group feature that allows users to host audio discussions online. Followers on Twitter can join the conversation and listen. Spaces have for some time become quite popular and proved to be very informative. Experts and influencers from different fields and domains speak about popular subjects at length and take questions at the end of every session. With this, creators host discussions and engage with audiences beyond photos and videos.

Twitter users can now not only host but also record Spaces. The new feature also brings an option of “Play recording” button on any Spaces Card to playback the recorded Spaces in case someone missed any information. It is important to note down that recorded Spaces are available for public playback for 30 days after the Space has ended. Here’s how to record and access recorded Twitter Spaces. Take a look.

1- While hosting a Twitter Space, users must toggle on the ‘Record Space’ option. After this, a logo will appear at the top that says Space is being recorded.

2- Only those who will be speaking will get recorded in a Spaces recording.

3- Once the Space ends, the Host will see a link to share the Space recording via a Tweet.

4- Before sharing it with the followers, the host will get the option to select where it starts with an ‘Edit Start Time’ option. This option allows them to cut out any dead air time that might occur at the beginning of a Space.

5- Users can now simply click on the ‘Play Recording’ button on any Spaces Card in your timeline to play the recording.

6- Hosts can also download the Space in the ‘data’ folder of their Data download.

7- They can also delete the recorded spaces anytime they want.

Twitter will retain all recorded Spaces for 30 to 120 days after they’ve ended to be reviewed by for any potential violations. Reports of Spaces are reviewed by a separate, dedicated team so that action can be taken as quickly as possible.