Tag: revolution

Fueled by the remote work revolution, Deel more than doubles valuation to $12B with new raise

Fueled by the remote work revolution, Deel more than do...

Remote hiring company Deel has raised $50 million at a $12 billion valuation, ac...

Ibex Investors’ newest fund is betting on a mobility revolution

Ibex Investors’ newest fund is betting on a mobility re...

When Ibex Investors founder and CEO Justin Borus looks at the transportation ind...

Coatue leads another infusion into Lunchbox, which sees ghost kitchens leading restaurant tech revolution

Coatue leads another infusion into Lunchbox, which sees...

The New York-based company is developing online ordering tools for enterprise re...

EVage raises $28M to be a driving force in India’s commercial EV revolution

EVage raises $28M to be a driving force in India’s comm...

A congruence of factors in India — notably, climate change policies, fuel costs ...

India drives a bioengineering revolution, gifts liquid cornea to the world

India drives a bioengineering revolution, gifts liquid ...

In yet another evidence of India’s growing mettle in science and technology, our...