Tag: thinks

Curebase thinks the future of clinical testing is decentralized, and raises $40M to prove it

Curebase thinks the future of clinical testing is decen...

The medical world has come a long way from the traditional, centralized way of c...

Pareto thinks it shouldn’t be so hard to collect lead-generation data

Pareto thinks it shouldn’t be so hard to collect lead-g...

Pareto’s team of data experts offer actionable insights on everything from TikTo...

Fleet thinks companies should rent laptops instead of buying them

Fleet thinks companies should rent laptops instead of b...

French startup Fleet wants to become your IT department’s best friend by managin...

Gloria Lin thinks construction needs to ‘catch the wave of fintech’

Gloria Lin thinks construction needs to ‘catch the wave...

As an engineering program manager at Apple, Gloria Lin was part of a group that ...

Stoggles thinks protective eyewear can be fashionable, too

Stoggles thinks protective eyewear can be fashionable, too

Despite being profitable and their line of eyewear hitting it off with the healt...

AllSpice thinks hardware developers lack their own ‘GitHub,’ so it is building one

AllSpice thinks hardware developers lack their own ‘Git...

The idea behind the company was to get engineers back to spending the majority o...