TechCrunch Experts is recruiting recruiters

We're looking for experts to take part in a survey we’re conducting about tactics and strategies for startup recruiting in Q1 2022.

TechCrunch Experts is recruiting recruiters

It’s common for early-stage founders to spend more than a third of their time on recruiting — not because they want to, but because they have to.

Fundraising is key, but a generous wire transfer from an enthusiastic investor only addresses one problem. Before you can deliver on any of the promises in your pitch deck, you’ll need to build a team.

To help TechCrunch+ readers take on this challenge, we are looking for experts to participate in a survey about tactics and strategies for startup recruiting in Q1 2022.

Do you have recent experience recruiting talent for pre-revenue startups?

If this describes you — or someone you know — please use the form to share a link to their professional profile and their contact information before March 4, 2022.